
Jason Graham is probably one of the most trusted vintage watch buyers in the UK. He buys and sells only the best Rolex and Omega watches and collects some of the finest vintage sports watches.

Project challenges overcome

Watches post type

For this website, we've opted to cerate a dedicated watches post type with some extra fields to capture all the relevant data that Jason needed to record for any watches he needs to advertise.

Single watch SEO optimization

For SEO compliance we create single watch templates that pick the watch brand and dynamically changes the description and meta fields based on user input from the CMS backend. I also added standardized copy to each single watch page template that pick up dynamic fields like the brand and model

Project Scope

We migrated his old website from The7 theme to a light weight Elementor theme with no extra bloated features. all custom post types and taxonomies was then hard coded into a child theme to make sure all functionality can be retained should he ever wish to change the look of his site again.

Current relationship

I’ve known Jason since 2014 and have rebuilt his website on two occasions as technology moved on since the first time it was rebuilt. His website currently has a custom post type for all his watches with custom fields to allow for easy entry and display of any watches he has for sale or to archive the once ones that are sold.